{"id":14253,"date":"2010-03-11T17:06:22","date_gmt":"2010-03-11T20:06:22","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/beta.idanca.net\/?p=14253"},"modified":"2010-03-15T16:50:50","modified_gmt":"2010-03-15T19:50:50","slug":"a-eterna-busca-por-representacao-politica","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/idanca.net\/a-eterna-busca-por-representacao-politica\/","title":{"rendered":"A (eterna) busca por representa\u00e7\u00e3o pol\u00edtica | The (eternal) search for political representation"},"content":{"rendered":"

Um espa\u00e7o dedicado ao exerc\u00edcio da democracia – com direito a seus erros e acertos. Um espa\u00e7o para a troca de ideias, para o di\u00e1logo e (por que n\u00e3o?) para a busca de consenso. E, principalmente, um espa\u00e7o para que expor as diversidades regionais que, ora aproximam ora afastam aqueles que fazem a dan\u00e7a brasileira. Todos esses espa\u00e7os, na verdade, se encontraram em apenas um: a Pr\u00e9-Confer\u00eancia Setorial de Dan\u00e7a<\/strong>, que aconteceu entre domingo e ter\u00e7a-feira (7 a 9\/03), em Bras\u00edlia.<\/span><\/p>\n

Nos quase tr\u00eas dias de confer\u00eancias (domingo foi apenas \u00e0 abertura), cerca de 2 mil pessoas circularam pelas tendas montadas na Esplanada dos Minist\u00e9rios. Estiveram reunidos profissionais de 14 linguagens art\u00edsticas para discutir quest\u00f5es ligadas \u00e0s suas \u00e1reas de atua\u00e7\u00e3o, escolher delegados e definir estrat\u00e9gias a serem apresentadas na II Confer\u00eancia Nacional de Cultura (CNC), que come\u00e7a j\u00e1 nesta quinta-feira (11\/03).<\/span><\/p>\n

\u201cA diversidade \u00e9 o maior patrim\u00f4nio brasileiro. S\u00f3 constituiremos uma identidade brasileira se respeitarmos as diferen\u00e7as. Temos que saber ouvir uns aos outros\u201d, declarou o ministro da Cultura, Juca Ferreira, durante a abertura.<\/span><\/p>\n

Para discutir o presente e o futuro da dan\u00e7a, se reuniram mais de 150 profissionais da \u00e1rea, entre professores, produtores, bailarinos e core\u00f3grafos de todos os estados. Al\u00e9m de dialogar sobre estrat\u00e9gias divididas em cinco eixos propostos (Produ\u00e7\u00e3o Simb\u00f3lica e Diversidade, Cultura, Cidade e Cidadania; Cultura e Desenvolvimento Sustent\u00e1vel; Cultura e Economia Criativa; e Gest\u00e3o e Institucionalidade da Cultura), os presentes votaram nos delegados que participar\u00e3o da IICNC.<\/span><\/p>\n

Mesmo com o pouco tempo dispon\u00edvel \u2013 o que causou cansa\u00e7o e discuss\u00f5es muitas vezes atropeladas \u2013os delegados (escolhidos em assembl\u00e9ias realizadas em seus estados) ainda assim conseguiram avan\u00e7os em termos pol\u00edticos, como a elei\u00e7\u00e3o do novo Colegiado de Dan\u00e7a e mais visibilidade para as regi\u00f5es Norte, Nordeste e Centro-Oeste durante a II CNC – cada uma dessas regi\u00f5es ganhou mais uma cadeira de delegado – e tamb\u00e9m dentro do Colegiado.<\/span><\/p>\n



A estrutura montada para o evento<\/p><\/div>\n

Plano Nacional de Dan\u00e7a: caminho longo pela frente<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n

Paralelamente \u00e0s discuss\u00f5es sobre as estrat\u00e9gias que deveriam ser enviadas \u00e0 CNC, o Plano Nacional de Dan\u00e7a (PND) ganhou grande destaque na plen\u00e1ria. Com um texto provis\u00f3rio pronto desde o meio de 2009, o documento elaborado pelo ent\u00e3o Colegiado Setorial de Dan\u00e7a ainda aguarda o envio para consulta p\u00fablica, onde deve ficar por, no m\u00ednimo, 45 dias (clique aqui<\/a> para saber mais sobre o Plano).<\/span><\/p>\n

\u201cNosso foco \u00e9 no Plano, temos que garantir a perman\u00eancia do projeto e seu envio logo para consulta p\u00fablica. Esperamos que o novo Colegiado d\u00ea continuidade ao nosso trabalho. No geral, a metodologia das pr\u00e9-confer\u00eancias \u00e9 fr\u00e1gil, com espa\u00e7o dial\u00f3gico muito restrito. Mas temos que aprender a trabalhar com nossas diferen\u00e7as, pensar de forma colaborativa\u201d, analisa a pesquisadora L\u00facia Matos, que participou do Colegiado nos \u00faltimos dois anos e participou da elabora\u00e7\u00e3o do Plano.<\/span><\/p>\n

Outra tema que gerou grande preocupa\u00e7\u00e3o durante o encontro \u2013 e que resultou em reuni\u00f5es extras \u2013 foi a renova\u00e7\u00e3o do Colegiado. Preocupa\u00e7\u00e3o louv\u00e1vel j\u00e1 que os escolhidos ser\u00e3o o canal de di\u00e1logo direto com o Minist\u00e9rio da Cultura (MinC) nos pr\u00f3ximos dois anos. Depois de uma vota\u00e7\u00e3o no m\u00ednimo tensa, foram apontados os 15 nomes que formar\u00e3o o novo Colegiado. A composi\u00e7\u00e3o segue a seguinte divis\u00e3o: cinco delegados por macro-regi\u00e3o, nove delegados divididos pelos eixos Forma\u00e7\u00e3o, Cria\u00e7\u00e3o e Produ\u00e7\u00e3o e um delegado extra que seria um participante do antigo Colegiado. Confira abaixo a nova forma\u00e7\u00e3o.<\/span><\/p>\n

Delegados\/suplentes por regi\u00e3o:<\/span><\/p>\n

Regi\u00e3o Norte
\nMeire Maria Monteiro Reis (TO) \/ Silvestre Ant\u00f4nio Gomes Santos (RO)<\/span><\/p>\n

Regi\u00e3o Nordeste
\nLiana Gesteira Costa (PE) \/ Maria Sofia Vilas Boas Guimar\u00e3es (BA)<\/span><\/p>\n

Regi\u00e3o Centro-Oeste
\nRosa Maria Leonardo Coimbra (NATO) \/ Kelson Joemir Panosso dos Passos (MT)<\/span><\/p>\n

Regi\u00e3o Sul
\nMarilia Annibelli Vellozo (PR) \/ Marta C\u00e9sar (NATO)<\/span><\/p>\n

Regi\u00e3o Sudeste
\nSolange Borelli (SP) \/ Lourdes Braga de Souza Carij\u00f3 (NATO)<\/span><\/p>\n

Por eixos:<\/span><\/p>\n

\nDulce Aquino (BA) \/ Val\u00e9ria Figueiredo (GO)
\nC\u00e1ssia Navas (SP) \/ M\u00f4nica Dantas (PR)
\nAna Cl\u00e1udia Pinto (PA) \/ Denise Acquarone (RJ)<\/span><\/p>\n

\nSilvia Moura (CE) \/ Jo\u00e3o Fernandes (AM)
\nMarcos Moraes (SP) \/ \u00a0Berenice Cruzeiro (RS)
\nDenise Parra (MS) \/ Luciana Caetano (GO)<<\/span><\/p>\n

\nClaudir Cruz (RR) \/ Hip\u00f3lito Lucena (PB)
\nMarise Siqueira (RS) \/ Andr\u00e9 Durand (AM)
\nSacha Witkowski (GO) \/ Leonardo Serra (ES)<\/span><\/p>\n

15\u00ba delegado
\nL\u00facia Matos (BA) \/ Rosane Gon\u00e7alves (RS)<\/span><\/p>\n

A preocupa\u00e7\u00e3o com o PND tamb\u00e9m aparece nas estrat\u00e9gias elaboradas pelos participantes da Pr\u00e9-Confer\u00eancia para serem apresentadas na Confer\u00eancia Nacional. Uma das propostas para os cinco eixos da CNC \u00e9 justamente \u201cassegurar que a vers\u00e3o completa do Plano Setorial de Dan\u00e7a (…) seja disponibilizada por um prazo m\u00ednimo de\u00a0 45 dias para consulta p\u00fablica e que todas as sugest\u00f5es e altera\u00e7\u00f5es sejam consideradas pela nova composi\u00e7\u00e3o do Colegiado Setorial de Dan\u00e7a, e sua vers\u00e3o final seja legitimada pelas inst\u00e2ncias legislativas em car\u00e1ter de urg\u00eancia\u201d.<\/span><\/p>\n

Estes s\u00e3o os nomes dos delegados\/suplentes apontados para defender os interesses da categoria durante a Confer\u00eancia: Rosa Coimbra (DF)\/Denise Parra (MS), Sacha Witkowski (GO)\/Luciana Caetano (GO), Waldemar Santos (PI)\/Sidelmonio Ribeiro (PI), Silvia Moura (CE)\/Liana Gesteira (PE), Odara Freitas (MA)\/Jaquelene Linhares (RN), Meire Maria (TO)\/Claudir Cruz (RR), Marcos Andr\u00e9 Durand Pereira (AM)\/Junior Uchoa (AC), Paulo Rodrigues (RO)\/Jo\u00e3o Fernandes (AM),\u00a0Solange Borelli (SP)\/Leonardo Serra (ES) e\u00a0Marise Siqueira (RS)\/Rosane Gon\u00e7alves (RS).<\/span><\/p>\n

Mesmo diante de todas as restri\u00e7\u00f5es de tempo, para o diretor de Artes C\u00eanicas da Funarte, Marcelo Bones, o resultado da Pr\u00e9-Confer\u00eancia foi positivo. \u201cConseguimos cumprir as quatro responsabilidades obrigat\u00f3rias, que eram definir os delegados para a CNC, promover os debates sobre as propostas que seriam levadas, renovar o Colegiado e discutir sobre o Plano Setorial. Acho que o encontro trouxe \u00e2nimo novo, mais articula\u00e7\u00e3o, surgiram temas novos\u201d, avalia.<\/span><\/p>\n

A II CNC come\u00e7a nesta quinta-feira (11\/03) e vai at\u00e9 domingo (14\/03). Para saber como foram as outras Pr\u00e9-Confer\u00eancias, confira os blogs setoriais<\/a> criados pelo site do MinC para cada um dos segmentos.<\/span><\/p>\n

Leia tamb\u00e9m: II Confer\u00eancia Nacional de Cultura termina com a aprova\u00e7\u00e3o de 32 prioridades<\/a><\/span><\/p>\n

A space dedicated to the exercise of democracy \u2013 with all of its rights and wrongs. A space to exchange ideas, a space for dialogue and (why not?) to search for consensus. Most importantly, a space to display the regional diversity that sometimes pulls apart and sometimes brings Brazilian dance closer. All of those can actually be found in the same place: Pr\u00e9-Confer\u00eancia Setorial de Dan\u00e7a<\/strong> (\u201cDance Sectoral Pre-Conference\u201d), which took place from Sunday to Tuesday (March 7 to 9), in Bras\u00edlia.

During three days of conference (on Sunday there was only an opening ceremony), about 2 thousand people circulated through the tents set up at the Ministries Esplanade. Professionals from 14 different artistic languages gathered to discuss issues related to their areas, choose delegates and trace strategies to be presented at the II Confer\u00eancia Nacional de Cultura (CNC – \u201cNational Culture Conference\u201d), which already starts this Thursday (11\/03)

\u201cDiversity is Brazil\u2019s greatest asset. We will only build a Brazilian identity if we respect differences. We must listen to one another\u201d, declared Culture Minister Juca Ferreira during the opening ceremony.

To discuss the present and the future of dance, more than 150 professionals, among teachers, producers, dancers and choreographers from every state got together. Besides debating strategies in the five proposed axis (Symbolic Production and Diversity, Culture, City and Citizenship; Culture and Sustainable Development; Culture and Creative Economy; and Culture Management and Institutionalization), the participants voted on the delegates who will participate in the II CNC and the new names that will compose the Sectoral Dance Electoral College.

Even with the short time available \u2013 which caused weariness and often hurried discussions \u2013 the delegates (chosen in assemblies held in their states) still managed to make political advances, such as the election of the Dance Electoral College and to bring more visibility for the North, Northeastern and Mid-Western regions during the II CNC. That is because each of these regions won the right to send more than one delegate to the National Conference.<\/span><\/p>\n

Parallel to the discussions about the strategies that should be sent to CNC, the National Dance Plan ended up getting much attention during the assembly. With a temporary text ready since the middle of 2009, the document elaborated by the time\u2019s Sectoral Dance Electoral College is still waiting to be put up for public consultation, where it must stay for at least 45 days.<\/span><\/p>\n

\u201cOur focus is on the Plan, we must assure the permanence of the project and its ready availability for public consultation. We hope the new Electoral College will continue our work. In general, the methodology of the pre-conferences is fragile, with a very restricted space for dialogue. But we must learn to work with our differences, to think in collaborative way\u201d, analyses researcher L\u00facia Matos, who was part of the Electoral College for the last two years and participated in the Plan\u2019s preparation.

Another theme that generated much worry during the encounter \u2013 and resulted in extra meetings \u2013 was the renewal of the Electoral Collee. It was an honorable worry, since the chosen representatives will be the direct dialogue channel with the Culture Ministry (MinC) in the next two years. After a tense voting session, to say the least, 15 names were chosen to compose the new Electoral College, which was divided as follows: five delegates for each region, nine delegates divided in the areas of Training, Creation and Production and one extra delegate from the previous College.<\/span><\/p>\n

Delegates\/substitute for each region:<\/span><\/p>\n

Northern region Meire Maria Monteiro Reis (TO) \/ Silvestre Ant\u00f4nio Gomes Santos (RO)<\/span><\/p>\n

Northeastern region Liana Gesteira Costa (PE) \/ Maria Sofia Vilas Boas Guimar\u00e3es (BA)<\/span><\/p>\n

Mid-western region
\nRosa Maria Leonardo Coimbra (NATO) \/ Kelson Joemir Panosso dos Passos (MT)<\/span><\/p>\n

Southern region Marilia Annibelli Vellozo (PR) \/ Marta C\u00e9sar (NATO)<\/span><\/p>\n

Southeastern region Solange Borelli (SP) \/ Lourdes Braga de Souza Carij\u00f3 (NATO)<\/span><\/p>\n

By area:<\/span><\/p>\n

Training Dulce Aquino (BA) \/ Val\u00e9ria Figueiredo (GO) C\u00e1ssia Navas (SP) \/ M\u00f4nica Dantas (PR)
\nAna Cl\u00e1udia Pinto (PA) \/ Denise Acquarone (RJ)<\/span><\/p>\n

Creation Silvia Moura (CE) \/ Jo\u00e3o Fernandes (AM)
\nMarcos Moraes (SP) \/ Berenice Cruzeiro (RS)
\nDenise Parra (MS) \/ Luciana Caetano (GO) <\/span><\/p>\n

\nClaudir Cruz (RR) \/ Hip\u00f3lito Lucena (PB)
\nMarise Siqueira (RS) \/ Andr\u00e9 Durand (AM)
\nSacha Witkowski (GO) \/ Leonardo Serra (ES) <\/span><\/p>\n

15th delegate
\nL\u00facia Matos (BA) \/ Rosane Gon\u00e7alves (RS) <\/span><\/p>\n

The preoccupation with the National Dance Plan also appears in the strategies traced by the participants of the Pre-Conference. One of the proposals for the five axis of the CNC is exactly to \u201cmake sure that the complete version of the Dance Sectoral Plan (\u2026) is available for public consultation for at least 45 days and that all suggestions and changes are considered by the new members of the Dance Sectoral Electoral College, and its final version is legitimized by the legislature as a matter of urgency\u201d.<\/span><\/p>\n

Even with all the time restrictions, Marcelo Bones, director of FUNARTE\u2019s performing art department, the result of the Pre-Conference was positive. \u201cWe were able to fulfill all four of the mandatory responsibilities, which were to define the delegates fro the CNC, to promote debates about the proposals, to renew to Electoral College and discuss the Sectoral Plan. I think the meeting brought a new breath, more articulation, new themes emerged\u201d, he evaluates.<\/span><\/p>\n

The II National Culture Conference starts this Thursday (11\/03) and will go on until Sunday (14\/03), with the participation of the delegates chosen during the Pre-Conference.<\/span><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

Mais representatividade pol\u00edtica para as regi\u00f5es Norte, Nordeste e Centro Oeste e a nova composi\u00e7\u00e3o do Colegiado Setorial de Dan\u00e7a foram alguns dos resultados da Pr\u00e9-Confer\u00eancia que terminou na ter\u00e7a-feira (9\/03), em Bras\u00edlia. 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